long for you

I treasure you
My unfaithful breeze
My long distance muse
Trembling of my desires
The woman of my mind
Beauty and neat
With an hurricane  smile
and tempest on the eyes
I long for your voice
and the chords of your moans
You are the calm and the storm
I recall your steps
Tracing new lands between the sheets
waiting for you to wear that black dress
Get beyond
I treasure your farewells
claiming for your return to me
and my unconsciousness
My unreliable temper
Unreel your red hair
See what’s new in your back
I belong to you
Perish on your cheeks
see the tinkling light upon your lashes
and then the quiet night upon us.

Dos minutos para las 2

Dos minutos para las 2 y los párpados te pesan más que la negrura de la noche. Sin embargo te embriagas del ruido blanco de la radio y com...